Beginner Bass Base: Building Speed and Accuracy
JULY 2022

Playing fast isn’t difficult. Stopping when you’re supposed to is.

Imagine a bunch of toddlers running down a hill, laughing with reckless abandon, going faster and faster until their little legs can’t keep up anymore and they tumble in a heap. The joy of feeling speed is followed by a colossal wipeout.

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Patrick Pfeiffer
Beginner Bass Base: Dynamic Grooves
November 2019

Vilkommen to zis latest Pfeiffer column. Vat vill ve play today? Why, akzents, of course! Okay, let me drop this faux-German accent before my throat burns from rolling all the R’s. Accenting a musical note means striking it slightly harder than you do a regular note, making it louder.

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Patrick Pfeiffer